In the majority of applications, the Pressure Blast is favored because of it’s speed and versatility.
- The Pressure Blast is a system in which the abrasive is in a closed pressurized tank with one hose carrying a mixture of compressed air and abrasive from the tank to the nozzle.
- The Syphon Blast is a system in which two hoses, one for compressed air and one for the abrasive syphon, are connected to a gun which has a nozzle and an air jet.
In a choice between pressure blast and syphon blast where pressure blast can give 3 time faster production, profit argues very strongly in favor of pressure blast.
Pressure Blast Cabinets

- 3 times faster than suction blast
- Approved multiple dust collector with air motor shaker and powerful blower for clean operation
- Particle velocities to 600 feet per second
- Uses less compressed air as other types
- Can operate on as little as 3 horsepower of air
- Can use angle nozzles to blast inside of tubes
- Uses any dry abrasive
- Faster – about 3 times faster than syphon blast.
- Particle velocity range – many pressure blasts are designed to operate from 1 to 125 psi.
- Control of abrasive flow rate – the abrasive valve and the choke valve permit accurate control of the abrasive flow rate.
- Operator fatigue – Reduced pressure blast nozzles are more compact and lightweight.
- Maintenance – There are no air jets or gun bodies to wear out.
- Longer abrasive life – Blast cleaning at high pressure greatly reduces abrasive life.
- Pressure blasts throw more abrasive but at low pressure.
- The abrasive breakdown per unit cleaned is reduced.
- Can clean cored spaces.
- Higher particle velocity – Critical in getting “tooth” on a blast cleaned metal surface.
- Nozzle Variety – Can use special nozzles such as angle nozzle, cone blast 3600 nozzles, bottoming nozzles, and rubber tube nozzles.
Syphon Blast Cabinets

- Lower price – Pressure blast cabinets usually cost more than syphon blast cabinets of similar size.
- Shorter Abrasive Change Time – Most syphon blast cabinets are designed so the abrasive can be changed in 1 or 2 minutes. Most pressure blast cabinets require 5 to 10 minutes.
- Quicker recycling of Abrasive – In syphon blast cabinets, the abrasive is continuously re-cycled without interrupting the blast. In a pressure blast cabinet, the spent abrasive in the hopper will re-charge into the abrasive tank via the automatic fill valve after blasting stops, about 20 seconds.
- Low initial cost
- Tungsten carbide nozzle
- 12 gage steel air tight construction
- Integral dust collector with fan on clean air side
- Uses any dry abrasive
- No moving parts
- Little skill to operate
- Very low maintenance
- No venting required